HND in Marketing

The objective of the training
This specialty aims to respond to a need expressed by businesses: surround of commercial equipped, perfectly impregnated with the logic marketing, sensitized on the changing needs of the consumer and oriented toward the development of sales in an environment characterized by the competition.
General Skills
– The understanding of the international economy; – The mastery of foreign languages; cross cultural – The Ability to negotiate; – The understanding of the professional environment; – To be able to work under pressure; – The adaptability

Specific Skills
– Understand strategic logic marketing; – Understand the challenges faced by the business in a competitive environment; – Understand the determinants of the commercial success of the company; – Sell in an affordable manner and cost effective; – Lead a sales team toward the achievement of objectives; – Animate a point of sale; – Do the carry out bench marking to increase sale.

Entry Qualification
General Certificate of Education (GCE): Advanced level or Baccalaureate.

B-Tech in Marketing

The Bachelor of Technology (B-TECH) in Marketing is a one-year programme. It is designed to train middle-level management personnel to provide the needed supervisory role to link theory and practice in marketing. The programme is structured for HND graduates in the field of Marketing.

The programme consists of two-semesters, industrial training in a company.

NB: The degree is awarded by the University of Bamenda